What is: ESPLERP v Gascon?
Bella Explains: ESPLERP v Gascon Bella & M. Dante w/ [...]
By union lipservice|2023-11-06T22:21:38+00:00January 17th, 2016|Categories: Erotic Laborers, labor, Labor school for Erotic Laborers, legal, Media, Prostitute Union, prostitution rights, rights|Tags: COYOTE v Roberts, DECRIM, Decriminalization, ESPLERP v Gascon, ESPU, George Gascon, impact litigation, Kamala Harris, Lawrence v Texas, Rights Not Rescue, Sex Education, sex work, Sex Work is Work, Sexuality and the Law|Comments Off on What is: ESPLERP v Gascon?
Union Lip Service-PHL: 2015 Year in Review
By union lipservice|2023-11-06T22:21:39+00:00January 5th, 2016|Categories: Blogroll, Uncategorized|Tags: Act 105, Amnesty International (AI), Coalition Radio, Community Legal Services of Philadelphia (CLS), COYOTERI, CSE, December 17th, DECRIM, Decriminalization, Dr. Timaree Schmit, Durbar Indian Sex Workers Collective, Durbar Mahila Samanwaya Committee, Dush, ELS, erotic labor, erotic literary salon, ESPLERP, ESPU, Expungement, Fair Trade, GALAEI, Global Network of Sex Work Projects (NSWP), Goddard College, Greenleaf, Harm Reduction, HB 262, HIV Awareness, HR605, Human Rights, IDEAVASW, Institute to Address Commercial Sexual Exlploitation, International Human Rights Day, ISWFACE, JVTPA, Kensington, Laura Rena Murray, Leachy, Lindsay Roth, Litquake, Mazzoni Center, Neilson, NJRUA, P.L.110.378, PA General Assembly Joint State Government Commission, PENN, Philadelphia Trans Health Conference, PM Press, Porny Mail Scandal, Prevention Point, Project SAFE, Reverend Beverly Dale, Rights Not Rescue, RSCC, Runaway & Homeless Youth Act (RHYA), Safe Harbor, SB851, Sex with Strangers, Sex with Timaree, sex work, Sex Workers Outreach Project (SWOP), Sexual Commerce, Sexual Freedom Summit, SEXx Interactive, Sims, Street Based Outreach, SWOP-PHILLY, SWOP-USA, The Espler Project, Title 68, Title 9, TVPA, UN Recommendation 86, Universal Periodic Review of Human Rights, University of Pennsylvania, UPENN, Vacatur, VAWA, Villa Nova, waygay, William Way, XXX|Comments Off on Union Lip Service-PHL: 2015 Year in Review