(Prostitutes) In Prison: Latesha Clay

Subject: Update on Latesha Clay WHY IS THIS CHILD IN PRISON IN MICHIGAN? Isn't Safe Harbor supposed to protect exploited youth by offering them services as opposed to sentencing? John Agar for Michigan Live (MLive) wrote on January 11, 2016: GRAND RAPIDS, MI – A 15-year-old girl and mother of two toddlers was [...]

(Prostitutes) In Prison: Latesha Clay2023-11-06T22:21:37+00:00

Free State Leading the Nation in Sexual Liberty? HB 1614

From left to right, Bella, Elizabeth Edwards, Rachel West + Phoebe Jones WHILE MUCH OF AMERICA is EXPLORING PUNITIVE ABOLITION, NEW HAMPSHIRE is  CHATTING CIVILIZED with INNOVATIVE DISCUSSION on  CONSENSUAL ADULT SEX WORK! image from  Cop Block dot org BACK STORY: New Hampshire (D) Representative Elizabeth Edwards has stepped up in support of [...]

Free State Leading the Nation in Sexual Liberty? HB 16142023-11-06T22:21:38+00:00

Union Lip Service-PHL: 2015 Year in Review

HI! I AM ESPU MEMBER M. DANTE` WELCOME TO MY NEW BLOG: UNION LIP SERVICE (ULS) 2015 YEAR in REVIEW 2015 ESPU  East Coast Perspective 2015 leaves us with so many sex work / sex trafficking subjects to cover, generating a year-in-review for both the industry-familiar, and new-to- the-discussion-novice seems daunting to do, however it [...]

Union Lip Service-PHL: 2015 Year in Review2023-11-06T22:21:39+00:00