ESPLERP v Gascon

UNTANGLED described as beautiful & awe inspiring

A BELATED NOTE of THANKS to  SWOP BAY, and BROWN GIRL DANCING / IRIS for ALLYING with The ESPLER PROJECT & ESPU for the presentation of the contemporary dance performance and fundraiser: UNTANGLED SWOP BAY Home brown girl dancing present… UNTANGLED A cumulative creative project researched by Iris, and performed by her and accompanied dance crew. [...]

UNTANGLED described as beautiful & awe inspiring2023-11-06T22:21:37+00:00

What is: ESPLERP v Gascon?

Bella Explains: ESPLERP v Gascon Bella & M. Dante w/ Rosie the Riveter 2015 Penn StatBella Robinson on ESPLERP v. Gascon The Erotic Service Provider’s Legal & Educational Research Project  or The ESPLER Project (501C3) was founded in 2009 by Maxine Doogan with the mission of empowering the erotic community and advancing sexual privacy rights [...]

What is: ESPLERP v Gascon?2023-11-06T22:21:38+00:00