HB 1614

US PROStitutes Collective Connects YOU to HB 1614 Support

Re/Post - Thank you Rachel West and the US PROStitutes Collective for organizing this easy access activists listing: US PROStitutes Collective P.O. Box 14512, San Francisco, CA. 94114, 415 626-4114 uspros@prostitutescollective.net, www.uspros.net   Please write and/or call in to support New Hampshire Bill HB1614 to decriminalize prostitution!   Dear Friends,   You may have heard [...]

US PROStitutes Collective Connects YOU to HB 1614 Support2023-11-06T22:21:37+00:00

Free State Leading the Nation in Sexual Liberty? HB 1614

From left to right, Bella, Elizabeth Edwards, Rachel West + Phoebe Jones WHILE MUCH OF AMERICA is EXPLORING PUNITIVE ABOLITION, NEW HAMPSHIRE is  CHATTING CIVILIZED with INNOVATIVE DISCUSSION on  CONSENSUAL ADULT SEX WORK! image from  Cop Block dot org BACK STORY: New Hampshire (D) Representative Elizabeth Edwards has stepped up in support of [...]

Free State Leading the Nation in Sexual Liberty? HB 16142023-11-06T22:21:38+00:00